In our family...

In our family....we do second chances...we do grace...we do real...we do mistakes...we do I'm sorry (and I forgive you)...we do loud really well...we do hugs...we do family...we do love.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Love interruptions

I need you, but more, I love you.
With all of my being, with all that I am, I love you.
I thank God for the perfect gift of you, not that I possess you, though I'd like to.
I'd like to keep you all to myself, but, it's in sharing you with others that I see the fullness of your beauty.
I do not control your life, or death, nor would it be right to try.
Your independence and wholeness as a person, is what makes you so complete.
It is in being complete and whole myself, that I am able to come to you in total awe and appreciation of who you are.
It is why I can dare to be myself with play, love and laugh like a grow in this forever changing world, without fear.
With you, my heart says' "it is finished".

I need you, but more, I love you.
I need...your hand to fill mine with warmth...
your life to bring light to the darkest hours...
your shoulder on which I can rest my head upon...
your touch that sooths my soul...and says' "I understand and you are not alone".
I need the way you look into my eyes and talk to me without ever moving your lips.
I need your strength...your know that your always going to be here, by my side.

I need you, but more, I love you.
I want to be free, yet have the presence of you close to me, always.
I not only want your love, but it would be a gift if you were my friend.
It is you who I want to live with, to die's with you that I want to live with forever.
My heart says it's found it's home with you and it's there to stay.

I need you, but more, I love you.
And again, I thank God for your presence...for every day we exist together...for every day you toss and turn my heart.

Happy Anniversary to my dear husband...I know we will have many more to celebrate.


gram said...

happy anniversary my friend! what a great gift you wrote for your husband! i'm glad that you found each other. i will be married to my best friend 4 years this february. we have been together for 18. so i too think we will last a lifetime. i hope you have a great anniversary!! with many, many more to come. take care....

Angel said...

Happy Anniversary!!! and what a wonderful husband you must have....I hope he knows hoe lucky HE is to have you!