Greetings Bloggers. It is such an honor to be able to guest post on my moms blog. Her talents stretch far beyond mine, and with every word her heart and soul seem to shine through. She is a daily inspiration, to me as a mother, and her posts have a tendency to make me cry or make me laugh.. sometimes even both! So for you all today, its time to hear “the rest of the story” from the youngest daughter.
I see a lot of my mother’s traits in myself. We are both well written; we smile at strangers, and talk to random people in the check out line. We both laugh when we get angry, especially if the kids are doing something naughty (but funny! I have even inherited her tendency to snort when she laughs really hard!). We both love the color black. We both can’t wait for Christmas to be over. We both love being a mom more then anything in the world, and most of all…. We both try to see the good in other people, even if it sometimes hurts us in the process.
Through out the past two years I have seen the chaos that has overtaken my mother’s life. I have seen the pain, the hurt, and the tears. I have held her while she’s cried, and talked to her for hours. I have felt helpless, as this person, my family member has tormented my mother. I have witnessed my mother trying and trying to not only help my stepsister, but to be her friend. With each try, and with each new attempt she was greeted with a slap in the face. Sometimes even I wondered when she would give up, but she never did. Not even now when she is hurt and scared the most, I still see a flicker of hope burning in my Mothers eyes, that some day.. Some how she’ll change.
Even though there were horrible moments filled with grief, there have been moments of pure joy. Since I was there from the start I seen it all. I was there when they just babysat the kid occasionally, then a lot, and then I was there when they stayed for good. I watched my niece and nephew blossom. From once being quiet and non-social, to self assured and smart. They played more. Smiled more, and interacted more. They were polite, confident and friendly. They finally had the security and structure that their little hearts longed for. I saw my parents become “mommy” and “daddy”.
I could spend this time talking about last weeks chaos, and evil, but I have decided not too. It’s not worth mine or your time to reflect on such a horrible person. The sad thing is, that I honestly believe that my Stepsister and her boyfriend believe what they said and did was okay. The saddest part about that is that you can’t change what you don’t acknowledge, and so I see no change in the near future. Last week when the “incident” (as I like to call it) happened my heart ached knowing that all this anger and resentment would one day affect the children. You can’t hide it forever, and one day they will be able to choose. I just pray that these children will always be safe, loved, and know just how much my parents fought for them. My parents have given these children the amazing gift of a family, and a home.
I am so thankful for all of you, for the encouragement, support, and prayers that you have given my mother. The outpour of support has been a blessing , and when she was gone last week, I contemplated writing some of you, so that you could be praying. I know that you may just be friends via “blogger” or email, but I know my mom thinks the world of all of you, and you have all touched her heart. In today’s world where you don’t always know your neighbors, and where people are more enclosed it is nice for her to have an outlet in which to express herself and to receive positive support from all of you…Continue keeping our family in your prayers (we really need them!), as you are all in ours. I pray that the New Year finds us all well, happy, and together. May God bless you all.
The Youngest Daughter.

a lovely post. I am just back with internet after holidays so have to catch up with what all went on, but you and your mum are great people and support one another, which is not always how it is. I hope everything is OK. I think the children your mum is raising will be lucky if they turn out like you, and I believe despite maybe some very negative goings on and people in their lives, they also have you and your mum and other relatives around them, and they will learn as they grow what makes a good person. I hope 2009 is a good year for you all.
Your post is a beautiful tribute to the wonderful person your mother is. And from the sounds of things the apple didn't fall far from the tree!
May 2009 bring peace.
What a heartfelt and beautifully written post. You and your mother are so lucky to have each other. My prayers will be with you.
What a great post that shows so much love for your wonderful mother. We all know what a special lady she is and how she touches each of us in such profound ways. Give her a hug for me. ((HUGS))
Beautiful...your mom is a great mom and a lovely person. Hopefully those little ones will be able to stay with her as long as possible, and grow up with the same strength and grace she imparted to all of you.
I just sent your mom an email and then tuned in to read this post written by you. I worry less about her because of this and I thank you for sharing yourself with all of us today.
This position is one of the toughest to be in because there is no "control" and so much excess "giving of self."
As her daughter I am certain that you support her emotionally than even you can guess.
It is very refreshing to see this wonderful relationship that you guys must have with each other. Very often, adversity draws people even closer to together and it really looks like that you two have experienced a lot together.
I was late getting to your original post about the situation you described with your step-daughter, and so have not commented there. However, I am sorry for the drama you are facing, and just wanted to tell you that you and your family remain in my prayers.
This was a great tribute to your mom!
This was so sweet. I can tell that I would love your daughter, who is so much like her Momma : ).
I have been praying and I will continue to pray for the broken hearts.
Much love!
The bassinet was dragged in from the garage. I thought I would leave it there for Gary to get a hint : ). Kaish said he brought it in so we could put a baby brother or a baby sister in it. Right ON! I wish Gary would get on the ball...
Nicely said. You did your mom proud.
This is so lovely....what a wonderful tribute to an amazing Mom. We can all see how much she is trying and the fact that her own GROWN children are so great, shows that she will succeed again!
I can only hope that my girls have such nice things to say about me one day too.
**prayers and good thoughts on your way***
This is divine and I can easily see why this mother/daughter team get along so well. I'm so glad you have each other.
Thanks everyone :) It was all true, and from the heart. My mom is just as sweet as she seems on her blog :)
I truly believe every Mother reading this post would hope (as I did) that their own daughter would think this much of them. What a precious and valuable gift you are to your Mother and what a wonderful tribute to her. You're Mother is very special and I can relate to so much that she has and is experiencing. I can only pray that I could be half the woman she is. Tell her we love her and send our prayers and hugs.
hello there lori, i think the word you choose is a great word for you, but i think that with all you have been thru, you have been experiencing courage in your everyday life, you have been thru so much, and i do believe if you continue to have courage you're gonna make it. your evil one has alot of growing up to do and hopefully one day she will see exactly what you have done for her. i just hope it's sooner and not later, one can just hope, right? as for your sweet daughter who wrote a very personal and touching post, you should be so proud that you have her. i've read some of her blog and i can tell that the two of you are alot alike. i have a daughter too and wish we could have more time together............ya, that will be my word for 2009...TIME. i think you will understand what i mean by the word i chose. i think you know me enough thru my blog to see it is what i am going to need to get to where i want to be.
take care my friend and keep your chin up and like they say "keep reaching for the stars" you are a gift to your family and also a gift to all of us. take care and have a nice weekend my friend.
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