In our family...

In our family....we do second chances...we do grace...we do real...we do mistakes...we do I'm sorry (and I forgive you)...we do loud really well...we do hugs...we do family...we do love.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Love really is Louder

We’ve been talking a lot about love at our house this month. Of course the little’s were excited about Valentine’s day. From the time they came home with letter’s about the upcoming “love” holiday, the talk began about decorating a box for Valentines and then of course picking out the special Valentines and treats to give each of their classmates and teachers. Oh the joy that I had completely forgotten about, that takes place with children and this holiday.

Oh the joy of writing out every single one of those Valentines with them. At one point, little lady was getting pretty sloppy writing her name and I asked her what it was that she had written because it surely didn’t look like her name. She responded with, “I can’t help it, my brain is telling my hand to write something else.”

The fun of making their boxes with my creative daughter…boxes they claim they are “never ever” throwing away…thank you dear daughter for doing this with them.

love is louder 001love is louder 012winter 007

Little lady with a love bug. Little A man with a monster(he claims this is what our monster Franklin looks like) Little man with a puppy.

Quite naturally the topic of love has been brought up a lot these past few weeks. I like to use these  teachable moments with the little’s because I not only have their complete attention but they are still young enough to think I know what I am talking about.

We talked about how important it is to keep our love buckets full because we act our best when they are full. We also talked about how important it is to make deposits or delivery's into other people’s love buckets.  We talked about how when  love buckets get empty they leave room for things of hate to come in.

We talked about the opposite of love being hate. Which led us to discuss what happens when people have hate in their hearts…which led to talking about why we say “I’m sorry” and why we forgive each other and why loving is so much better than hating…and so on and so on. This is what gave birth to my previous post on love beating hate.

We’ve had some really interesting discussions. And a lot of funny one’s. Okay, mostly they end up being funny one’s because how can they not with a 3, 4 and 5 year old? If you were a little mouse in the corner of our house your ears would be full of our nonsense and silliness.

In one discussion we some how started talking about how people  can be mean to people that are different.

Little man say’s seriously, “I’m different. I have brown skin.”

Little lady excitedly screams, “I’m different. I have really really blond curly hair.”

Little A man, really excited, screams, “I’m different too Grandma. I’m a boy and I pee standing up.”

Obviously, the younger two are not completely getting what I am meaning by being different but I still attempted to go with it for little man who had been seriously into this “talk”. Yet once again he was swayed by the 3 and 4 year olds because  they couldn’t get off the topic of peeing while standing up and he thought this to be quite funny. To no avail this led into them counting who can pee standing up in our family. At least their getting good at counting.

With the many days of sub zero temperatures, we had way too many days of togetherness.(except we are having beautiful weather right now)  As you must know it gets pretty loud around here so one day last week I asked them, “Is this what love sounds like?” This led us to ponder what love sounds like. Which led into us asking what hate sounds like. In the midst of this discussion, little man responded with, “I think love should be louder than hate so all the hate can go out of this world.”

Amen Little Man. Amen!

Oh the sweetness and heart of this little boy.  This little boy who has been mistreated for the color of his skin and because he doesn’t go to church. Still he loves proudly and he doesn’t care who you are, he will love you. He loves big and loud and is not afraid to let anyone he loves know it. Just ask the lunch ladies, the janitors, the recess lady’s and the teachers at school.

I had heard about the love is louder movement on Facebook and since they had so much fun doing the “love beats hate” signs with me, I asked them if they wanted to write on their hands, “just this once” and of course they were all over it. I asked my eldest Granddaughter to take part in it with us and she created the love is louder hands picture in the middle.

Love is louder was started as an anti bullying campaign and it became something more. What I appreciate about these group efforts is that it causes people to stop and look at their own actions. If just one person changes their behavior due to this movement it is worth it. It also helps those who are the target of such bullying to know they are not alone and gives them a voice.

Love is louder proclaims that real love is more than romance, mush or just mere words. Love is an action.


album 2-14-2011


On Valentines Day, we declared that love is indeed louder.

Love is louder than hate, meanness or bully’s.

Our voices and hands are made for loving and building up, not hurting and tearing down.

Our actions speak louder than our words. If we say we love but act the opposite, we are but a noise.

If we say we love and back it up with our actions, it speaks loud and clear.

Love sounds so much sweeter doesn’t it?


Love tastes  more delicious valentines day pizza 007 when made with hands that love doesn’t it?

Love makes every day worthwhile when it’s this kind of love.

Can you hear it? Can you hear the love?

Love gets pretty loud here…we love loudly and fiercely…we love bigger than the universe…bigger than the highest mountains…to the moon and back…we clash and bang around…we make a lot of noise in this family that could be filled with turmoil, sadness, hate, anger, bitterness, and resentment. Love chases things like that away when you let it.

There are day’s I wish for more of the quieter kind of love and there are moments like right now that I get a few moments of it…and you can better believe I relish in it.

Little Man said it so well when he said. “I think love should be louder than hate so all the hate can go out of this world.”  I couldn’t agree with him more.

I close with this photo taken recently of the little’s playing outside on their “mountain”…

winter 028


Love really is louder.

Until next time my dear friends, love & hugs, Lori






Hilary said...

Like love, you, your daughter and your Littles help make the world go round.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Thanks for making me laugh (and smile) this morning.
I burnt up some calories laughing at this:
“I can’t help it, my brain is telling my hand to write something else.”
And this: "I'm different too, I pee standing up"
Those kids are just so darn funny....they are being brought up with so much love and good thoughts. I swear, they will be on a stage one day with all this self confidence and humor.
Glad your day of love was filled with love!

I Am Woody said...

Love is louder!! And I would dearly love to be able to pee standing up:)

Brian Miller said...

that is awesome...sounds like you are making the most of those teachable moments...really like what love sounds like...big smiles.

Just Be Real said...

Lori, thank you for putting a smiel on my face. Blessings.

Anvilcloud said...

You are amazing with those kids. And we us too. Thanks.

Anonymous said...


I'd like to be a mouse hiding in the corner in your house. (You don't have a cat, do you?)

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

"At least they're getting good at counting." So funny. Good post, Lori. Keep up the good work with the little ones God has put in your care. I think He knew what He was doing. :)

Colleen said...

Lori, my heart just swells when I read about your precious little one and the things you teach them. You are wise and good and you are passing this goodness onto them! I think it's amazing! I always laugh too though when I read what they say because they have such CHARACTER!!!:) You must never have a dull moment in your loud, busy, love filled house!:)

Much love to these little angels, I hope their valentine boxes were just overflowing!

Jeannie said...

You said it!

XLMIC said...

What a sweet post! What a sweet group of kids you have! Love is indeed louder!

Sueann said...

Amen and Amen!!! Your Littles are so precious and very wise!!

Elizabeth Grimes said...

What a blessing you experienced with your Littles, and thank you for sharing it! I loved this post.

Ash said...

aww i love what little lady said - she's already learning about those emotions when we fall in love.... :)

talented and creative bunch you got there and ofcourse kudos go to you and the parents.

happy v-day (even tho a bit late)!!

~ash's mum

Natalie said...

I love your love post, Lori.
I am hearing you about the noise level of love.
"Pardon, Pardon? I am sorry, my little loves are loving loudly today."

" What's that?"

"Oh, yes! I love you too." xx♥

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful post1 Again.. so heartfelt and heartwarming...

Love is super loud in our house too... I'll remember though that love has to be louder than hate next time I start getting irritated...

Buckeroomama said...

From the mouths of babes... I love how you very conscientiously teach the little's. They are so blessed to have you.

CiCi said...

The boxes for their valentines are so artsy, really cool. I really like that in your house love is louder than hate. Great teaching going on there.

Debbie said...

Oh Lori you are a saint my friend. It warms my heart to read this. I have tears in my eyes writing this...I am NOT kidding. You filled my heart with love today like it has not been filled in a long time. I have been dealing with an awful lot of unkind people lately outside of my home and family and it has started to wear on me. Reading your post really brought me right back to where I needed to be. I just wish there were more people like you in the world. Those 3 kids are the luckiest kids in the world to have YOU in their lives. You are a very special person...uniquely kind and loving and giving of yourself to a fault. I can see the three of them growing up and remaining the best of friends and always having each others backs. Thank you for being the kind of person I would like to strive to be...thank you for being you Lori.

Stella said...

This is the perfect post. This made me so happy to know you. This made me want to fly up there and just spend time having this discussion with everyone! i just love you guys so much!

Deborah said...

Another "love"-ly post!! Thanks Lori for sharing. I so enjoy hearing what the Little's have to say. My kids are older now, but not yet old enough to give me a grandchild, so I am living vicariously through your stories. I love the sweet, innocent things children say. And thanks again for your comments. I read every one several times over. You have such kind things to say, and I always hear the love in your words! Thank you!

Jeni said...

Wonderful words, Lori. Love speaks legions doesn't it? Now, to put it to work!

ethelmaepotter! said...

Oh, I don't know what I love best about this post! Is it the valentine boxes (the monster one reminds me of Harry Potter's Monster Book of Monsters,) or the hands? “I can’t help it, my brain is telling my hand to write something else,” or "...I pee standing up.” Maybe it's the analogy of buckets of love or the sound of love and hate. Or perhaps it's just the overall theme. It also doesn't hurt that this post complements my current post about Dante beautifully.

No, I think the best part is the quote from Little Man - “I think love should be louder than hate so all the hate can go out of this world.”

Well said, Little Man. Worthy of Confucious. Or a tee shirt.

LPC said...

You know, if the other littles think being blond, and peeing standing up, are just as different as having dark skin, we can put the future in their hands.

Friko said...

It must be bliss for the littles living with you in your house and I am sure it is bliss for you too, most of the time. Perhaps you could wear ear plugs sometimes when it gets too loud?

Laura said...

I hear the LOVE across the snowy landscape...LOUD AND CLEAR!!! know you have a book in you for children of all ages...this post alone is asking to be that book of love!!! You are a remarkable woman...YOU inspire me with your kindness, your wisdom, your compassion, your love.

I hope everyone feels better and sleeps well tonight.

Liz Mays said...

You are a most wonderful teacher to the kids. You are love is louder personified.

Shrinky said...

Oh Lori, what a wonderful, heart-warming post! I think you are ALL amazing, these photographs are simply bursting with love.

Pamela Zydel said...

Your Littles are SO precious! And what a great movement, Love is Louder! Let's hope THAT spreads faster than the flu!

Full-On-Forward said...

Hi Lori--I saw your response on Jeannie's blog--here is a link if you want to listen to it on mine!

Love your Blog!!!!


Unknown said...

Yay for love being louder. Yay. Yay. YAY! I love all the things they are learning from you. So beautiful!

ain't for city gals said...

Lots of love going on there,Lori..woohoo...Happy Valentine Year!

365 Attempts (At Life) said...

"We talked about how important it is to keep our love buckets full because we act our best when they are full. We also talked about how important it is to make deposits or delivery's into other people’s love buckets." I know many adults who need this lesson too. So touching and so lovely! :)

Unknown said...

I can't even imagine the ripples you are making with this intentional life you live.
You really walk the talk don't you , Lori. I am filled with your love!

Laura said...

Hello again dear one. I have dropped by again to invite you to visit my blog tomorrow (saturday) as there will be a surprise waiting for you:)

... Paige said...

this is great. I think they are getting "it" Differences come in many packages.

popping over from Laura's, have a great weekend

Sherry Blue Sky said...

This is so beautiful - these are very fortunate children, being raised with the understanding - and the deep certainty - of loving and being loved. Fantastic! Way to be!

Marcie said...

I love the mother-to-mother insights of your blog, Lori. Feel like i just had a chat with a dear friend.

Thank you for your kind comment at my blog this morning! And thank you, also, for the reference to "Love is Louder." It is an important movement, for sure!

Deanna said...

“I think love should be louder than hate so all the hate can go out of this world.” Ah, the wisdom of the young. Beautiful post.

mommytoalot said...

Another beautiful post Lori.
Your littles are very wise.
Love their boxes they made..very very creative.
Beautiful children and how can they not be with you as a mom and grandma

Fragrant Liar said...

Mistreated because that little one doesn't go to church? How UN-Christian! That kind of think makes me incredibly angry. People have no right to judge.

Love your adorable littles.

Kathy M. said...

Love is, indeed, very loud in this blog. What a blessing you are to these kids, and to me. Thanks for sharing.

Debbie said...

Your sweet family always brings a smile to my face. And those boxes are great!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

There is just no more powerful word than love! I just adored readin' this wonderful post sweetie!

God bless ya and have a fantastic day!!! :o)