In our family...

In our family....we do second chances...we do grace...we do real...we do mistakes...we do I'm sorry (and I forgive you)...we do loud really well...we do hugs...we do family...we do love.

Friday, March 5, 2010


Greetings from Brittany at Unexpected Surprises....

My mom asked me to do a guest post for her. Sitting and blogging is too much for her right now. Although she has started many posts, it has been hard for her to finish them. This is killing my mom. She loves reading your posts, and interacting with you. You are her window to the outside world. You are the people that understand her situation the most. I want you all to know that she cares about all of you so much, and misses your encouraging comments and support.

When I saw my mom at the airport, she looked normal. In fact it wasn't until I looked at the details of her life that I realized how sick she was. It was in the un-dusted shelves, and spots on the windows.It was in the tone of her voice. It was in the weight gain. It was the look in her eyes, and the lack of energy.  It was the utter look of helplessness she gave me at times.

My mom is seeing several doctors at the moment. She is going in next Thursday to see a new doctor, and to have some tests done. She is looking forward to getting more information, and hopefully it is one step closer to her becoming healthy! *fingers crossed*

It is hard to watch her in pain, but it was harder to be halfway across the country not knowing what was going on. I am so blessed to have the opportunity to be here with my mom and to be able to encourage her, and take care of her. I know that God is going to take care of her, and make her stronger because of this. I have to remind myself on a daily basis that she is in his hands. Big thank yous to all of you who have written my mom to encourage her, to all of you who have prayed, and for all of you that have inspired her. She'll be back soon, until then keep her in your prayers!