In our family...

In our family....we do second chances...we do grace...we do real...we do mistakes...we do I'm sorry (and I forgive you)...we do loud really well...we do hugs...we do family...we do love.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Randomly Blessed

It’s been a tough week.

Lots of pain which is discouraging.

It gives me horrible nightmares which makes it really hard to sleep.

I get tired of talking about it so most of the time I say nothing.

I had another court hearing in regards to my neck & head injuries. Work comp lawyers can be vicious & mean. They are doing what they are paid to do, yes. But, it does nothing to take away the frustration & anger I feel. Why can’t they just play fair?

Why does it seem like they take pleasure in replaying every single detail of my attack over and over again?

I finally got to see the doctor yesterday, that my treating doctor(the doc I’ve had from the beginning of my injury) referred me to see, 13 months ago. The work comp company spent over 15,000 & 9 months fighting over me seeing this doctor, before a judge ordered in my favor. What is so ironic is that the cost of my seeing this doctor is so minimal…like less then $2000.

Does this make any sense?

Now that they are fighting over something else, I wonder when all of this will end.

I wonder how many more times I will have to look them in the face while they dissect & replay the attack in court?

I suppose the answer could be a lot since the doctors still want me to have numerous things done.

It’s a waiting game.

All of it is a big fat mess. When all of this is seen with eye’s of pain, it can be a bit over whelming.

Seeing life through the eye’s of pain changes a person.

It makes me work harder to see the good and the blessings before me.

In spite of lawyers, doctors and pain my life is still good and full of goodness. It’s these kinds of things that get me through weeks like this.

It’s these 3 and their shenanigans that keep me seeing the humor in life.


How could I not?

Without humor I think I would have lost it years ago.

A proud moment this week…

Yesterday morning, as little man and I walked to his bus stop, he told me, that after school, he wanted to walk from the bus stop all by himself.

I had told him on the first day of school that when he was ready to walk by himself, he needed to tell me. He was very fearful and had told me that he was never going to be able to do that. I had told him that I believed he could do it and when he was ready he would and left it at that.

So yesterday, being my day off, I was waiting for him inside the house. Out of breath, he burst through the door and ran into my arms, proudly saying, “I did it! You knew I could do it and I did it!!”

He was so proud.

And so was I.

I thought about this later…isn’t this what we all want? Somebody to believe in us when we can’t.

This is such a lesson of how important it is for us to believe for those around us. Our believing says to them that we believe them to be capable & able.

I believe that this little spit fire teaches me a lesson in patience every single day, even though she cracks me up in the process.Nevaeh's new clothes 009

One of the funniest things said by my grandson this week…

While I was at my doctors appointment my daughter took her son and little lady to McDonalds to play. While they were there, some policemen and a police woman came in to eat. My daughter said to them, “See, women can be policemen too. Maybe I could be a police woman some day too.” My grandson did not miss a beat and exclaimed, “Yep for Halloween!”

Too funny. :)

I hear a lot of sweet things come out of the little’s mouths but I must say that the sweetest thing said this week was from little man…

Last evening, just before bed, little man blurted out, “I told the playground lady that I love her.”

We said, “You said what?”

He repeated, “I told the playground lady that I love her.”…”She’s really nice to me and all the kids so I told her that I love her.”

We asked him,”What did she say?”

He said, “She gave me a hug and said that is really nice.”

How sweet is that!

I am so thankful it is Friday. I hope it’s a fantastic one for all of you…that leads into a great weekend.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend getting to do something you love…something that puts a smile on your face and makes you refreshed.

Until next time, love & hugs, Lori







Hilary said...

You're very inspiring, Lori. I hope your pain subsides and that your woes are soon a thing of the past. You do so much good for these Littles. You're a true gem.

Natalie said...

Sweetheart, your pain and your legal stuff sound HORRIBLE.
Pain surely does change someone, but so does love.
Sending plenty and a hug too. ♥

Anonymous said...

Lori, hang tough,some days I know it is a battle of who will rule who, you or the pain. And I know I don't like the person I am when the pain wins. But there are more good days than bad and you have those beautiful babies to lift you up! Hope you have a good day.

SciFi Dad said...

I'm sorry you're suffering both physically and emotionally, but at least you have your little people to bring in some sunlight.

(Also: have you ever discussed the situation you're in here? Because you refer to an attack, but then you talk about workman's compensation...)

Unknown said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. He told the playground lady that he loved her. Isn't that what this world needs? More love!

Sorry about your terrible experience with the lawyers : ( I sort of understand as I have had a year filled with Workman's Comp Doctors...

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh - so very sorry to hear about your pain! Hang in there and think good thoughts!

SY said...

aww little man sounds like a child that you enjoy every minute with. Children have the amazing power of being captivating.

Hope everything with court goes well and that this mess is over.. Living in pain definitely changes you.

My mother went through the same thing

I Am Woody said...

Hooray for the ruling!! Hopefully this doctor will be able to give you some relief!! {{Hugs}} And I hope you have a fantastic weekend:)

CiCi said...

A proud moment for a little guy to walk home by himself from the school bus. Your littles bring so much fun into your life, don't they?

Brittany said...

:)))) Love it! our kiddos are too sweet!

I know you're having a tough time, but just know that we all love you!

Brittany said...

:)))) Love it! our kiddos are too sweet!

I know you're having a tough time, but just know that we all love you!

Buckeroomama said...

Have I told you how I love that you see the bright side of things always? Well, I do. :)

Your Little Man is just the sweetest child. Give him a big giant hug from me, will you?

Brian Miller said...

i am glad you have those littles to bring you such joy...proud of them as well...and i hope the pain goes away for you soon...

Busy Bee Suz said...

I can't imagine you being in so much pain and then having to justify all of your health needs to others.
Bless are so patient. (I know you have no choice)
I hope you pain ceases and you can enjoy the weekend.
Those kids are something else.

ps. I believe in YOU.


Anonymous said...

Lori, I hope that you resolve the worker's comp case soon; when I told Beloved about this post, he went off into a LONG rant about lawyers...most of which I agreed with. ;)

Re: Little Lady. She is going to do great things someday, I think. She's got the personality and disposition for it - to say nothing of the Big Lady guiding her through life.


Kit Kat said...

Those little ones are just sooo sweet!! Sometimes I think that they are just as much a blessing to you as you are to them! I smile whenever I think of you guys!

I hope your pain subsides... I can't imagine what it would be like to have to deal with lawyers and court while in that much pain... hang in there.
Prayers and love

Sueann said...

I am glad you have the little ones to bring a smile to your heart and mind. They can be such good little ministers of joy and hope!
Sorry you have such pain and I hope it will subside soon!!
Gently hugging you

Shrinky said...

Oh sweetie, as if you haven't enough to deal with, without all this legal bickering sucking you down - shame on their employer's.

Despite everything, you are always seeking to recognise the good around you - and those babes are both a blessing, and so very blessed to have you to love them (hugs).