In our family...

In our family....we do second chances...we do grace...we do real...we do mistakes...we do I'm sorry (and I forgive you)...we do loud really well...we do hugs...we do family...we do love.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Another Marvelous Monday

As I stepped out into this perfect fall morning to walk little man to his bus stop, the cool crisp 40 some degrees felt refreshing. Even though it will warm up into the 60’s today, it won’t be long and that number will be closer to 0.

With each step you could hear the crunch of the acorns underneath our feet. The beautiful shining sun…a perfectly shade of blue sky…the squirrels chasing each other…birds singing to us as we walked…a rabbit hopping across a lawn..the quiet stillness of a new day beginning…I breathed in the fresh air and for a couple of moments I just took all of this goodness in.

Little mans hand tightly in mine as we walked in silence for those few moments. I broke the silence by saying to him,”Isn’t this a marvelous Monday?” He remained quiet as if in thought and then said, “Yes, but it would be more marvelous if you were coming with me to school.”

Of course he didn’t like my answer and of course he got on the bus without me…he will be just fine as he starts another week of school.

As I walked back home alone, I wrapped myself around the peace & beauty. We really do live in a beautiful place. For the most part our rural community is safe and has very little crime. 

The big corporate farms haven’t taken over the small farmers. There are people that still don’t lock their doors at night. Kids still run around and play through the neighborhoods. People know your name when you go into the drug store. We still have 2 full service gas stations…yep they still pump your gas, wash your windows and check your tires or oil if you ask them to.

My travel to work take me by cows, goats and horses and rolling fields of hay,corn, wheat and beans, big red barns, tractors and combines working to harvest. 

Sometimes I forget. Sometimes I take all of this for granted. Sometimes I am so focused on doing or on what needs to be done, that I miss what is before me.

It’s another marvelous Monday & today I am going to enjoy & appreciate the gifts that fill up my day.

I hope you and yours have a marvelous Monday! What will fill up your Monday?

Until next time, hugs & love, Lori


Anonymous said...

What a lovely morning for you. I'm going to work with my sister on our family album to get it ready for the family reunion in Mississippi the first weekend of Oct. I am so looking forward to it.

Brian Miller said...

ah you describe a beautiful the little textures...the crunch of acorns and the bunnies...and yes i often miss this in the busy world...thanks for reminding me...

Anonymous said...

Ah, Lori. I would love to live where you do!


Jeannie said...

You count your blessings more than anyone I know!

Busy Bee Suz said...

60 degrees today? Wowza.
You are so wonderful, you always see the good in every.single.thing.
You are well as the folks who are around you.

So, is he doing well in school???

I Am Woody said...

As I listen to the drone of traffic and read about murders and gang trouble etc, that sounds like heaven!!

SciFi Dad said...

Beautifully described morning, Lori.

LPC said...

Sounds just wonderful.

King of New York Hacks said...

Very nice...very nice indeed.

Buckeroomama said...

I can almost see the spring to your step today. :)

Anonymous said...

What a lovely uplifting post! It's all too easy to forget how lucky we are.

Midlife Roadtripper said...

How easy it is to get in the ruts and not appreciate our time. Thanks for the reminder.

Hilary said...

It sounds like a heavenly part of the world.. though I strongly suspect that much, if not most of that beauty comes from within.

Ash said...

your post made me smile and reminded me to appreciate litlle things in life..once again as i tend to forget that. thanks, lori!

i love little man's reply - can he be any more sweeter?

~ash's mum

Lori ann said...

This was so beautiful Lori, a truly gratifying post. Thank you for the reminder to take in and appreciate our world.

I love the little man. I hope he is happy at school and not missing you too much.

Anonymous said...

I also live in a small rural community and love the simplicity of life here. I wouldn't trade this place for a big city. Now, having said that, I would like to live someplace that is prettier than western Oklahoma. Someplace that's nice and green in the summer and colorful in the fall & spring. We are just too dry out here. Thanks for sharing your neck of the woods with us.