In our family...

In our family....we do second chances...we do grace...we do real...we do mistakes...we do I'm sorry (and I forgive you)...we do loud really well...we do hugs...we do family...we do love.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

I Love…

I love…

…lazy relaxed weekend mornings, to just enjoy all that is in this moment…the little’s so sweet with their affections & hearing their cartoons in the background…my husband making me coffee & really getting to enjoy it with him…and later enjoying the wonderful breakfast he makes us, which in all honesty is no different then what I make but it tastes so good when someone else makes it…no hurrying or scrambling about to get things done or to get somewhere. Us, just being together. I love to wrap myself in these simple priceless moments.

…the smell of tomatoes, onions and garlic roasting in my oven mixed with the smell of fresh air flowing through the open windows…yum.

… making tomato soup with the roasted goodness mentioned above and seeing my family love it.

…the smell of sourdough bread baking in the oven…and using it to make grilled cheese sandwiches to dunk into the roasted tomato soup. (darn bread making…when I’m trying not to eat breads...)

…the wonderful taste of my homemade yogurt…and that it is so darn easy to make.

…friends that call because they know you will listen & understand.

…friends that call for no reason.

…when little lady call’s me her beautiful little mommy numerous times a day… because I am not feeling so beautiful or little these days.

…seeing my little’s smile for no other reason then just being happy.

…that my daughter & her son are here and that I get to be her cheerleader and she is mine.

…football…cheering for my favorite teams along with my family…hearing the little’s scream “Goooo Vikings!” as they jump up & down is priceless.

…that it is fall…which means cooler temps…can all the  hormonal women that understand what I mean by this, give me a loud amen? :)

…campfires, playing football outside with the little’s, and looking forward to the beauty that will soon surround us with all the changing colors.

…the sound of my adult children’s voices when they call me just to talk or to tell me what’s going on in their mother heart is aching for them since it’s been a year since I last hugged them in person but I love that they are happily living their lives.

…that I live in a land where I am free to love God, can choose where I want to live, have an abundance of food to cook with and don’t have to fear for our lives as we walk down the street.

Most of all, I love that I am no longer living my life as a victim or just surviving but actually living life.

I am constantly reminded of where I once was and what I’ve been through.

I cannot help but feel grateful that the lessons that have come into my life have been of much value for me today. Even though they came at a price, they did not destroy me and instead prepared me to live my life fully and without regrets.

It’s because of this, that I can enjoy and love so many of the simple things in life.

Of course, I love all of you too. Really.

Tell me…what do you love?

Hope you get a chance to do something you love today.

Until next time, love & hugs, Lori




Mike said...

You make me feel like coming over and hanging out at your house! Sounds heavenly!

Colleen said...

Beautiful, appreciative post. It makes me want to sit down and write out my own list just to remind myself of how good life is!:) You deserve all these good things Lori, enjoy them! These days are so precious!

I Am Woody said...

What a beautiful post! Now I'm craving a grilled cheese and tomato soup!!

Kit Kat said...

This was beautiful!
Hey, let me know if you and the kids will be down in the cities at all... I will be getting some free passes to the Children's Museum, and if you want them they are yours! I think I have to work fifty hours first... so it won't be until october..

Jason, as himself said...

I love that you found so many things to love.

Brian Miller said...

wow. you did have a good morning...hope it spills over into a great day...and what time is dinner? smiles.

Anonymous said...

Oh my, homemade bread and tomato soup, I am so there. I love this time of year, when all the windows are open, no air or heat going, just a nice breeze through the house. Love it! Hope you have a good week.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I love reading what YOU love.
I love that Linds and I just spent 20 minutes walking around the yard photographing and admiring all of our new fruit trees.
Have a great (rest of your) day!

Joanna Jenkins said...

As they say, "You've come a long way baby!" So glad your life is filled with joy again.
Keep up the good work. xoxoxo jj

Buckeroomama said...

I LOVED reading this, Lori. It's the little things that truly bring joy to our hearts.

What do I love? I love Z's big squeezes and hugs. I love's J's morning kisses when he wakes up and comes to our room. I love being with my husband. I love hearing laughter as my children play. I also love the quiet after they have gone to bed. :)

Anonymous said...

I loved reading your list! :) You always make me smile when you write about your family.

Any chance we could get the tomato soup recipe?

Hilary said...

You express your gratitude for life so beautifully.