In our family...

In our family....we do second chances...we do grace...we do real...we do mistakes...we do I'm sorry (and I forgive you)...we do loud really well...we do hugs...we do family...we do love.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

My Twelve Days of Christmas

We have had a couple of “hard” day’s here at the zoo. We have had a lot of trips to the better choice chair, due I think mostly to the fact we have been cooped up because of the cold. Trying to make and bake up goodie’s with little hands is messy work. Of course the Christmas tree cannot be left alone. Two day’s ago, I came an inch to literally picking up the tree and throwing it outside into the snow.

There are some day’s in which it is hard for me to see the forest through the tree’s. As hard as I try to stay mindful of the joy and on the preciousness of the simple moments we spend together, there are day’s I lose sight of what is most important. The fact that I haven’t left the house except for one day in over a week, and that was to go to work, might have something to do with my ability to see clearly. The fact that I get so little adult conversation free from little mouths and ears might have something to do with why I feel like throwing all things Christmas out into the snow. Now that would be a sight wouldn’t it?

I get so caught up in caring for the little’s, our home, preparing food and basically keeping all of “this” together, that I forget about myself. I am well aware that unless I am getting myself filled up, I will have nothing of substance to give my family, let alone anyone else. I need to figure out how to do this.

Thankfully, I get to go to work today.

In the meantime, I cling to my sense of humor, the joy that does surround me(if you read my last post then you know that I am certainly surrounded by joy) and that fills me up on the inside.

We were listening to Christmas songs while making cut out cookies the other day, and the Twelve Days of Christmas came on. As it played, I started making up my own lyrics. This is how I get through my days.

This is my version of the Twelve Day’s of Christmas.


On the first day of Christmas, my little’s gave to me

A messy house to clean.                                                                      


On the second day of Christmas, my little’s gave to me

Two many milk spills and a messy house to clean.

On the third day of Christmas, my little’s gave to me,

Three dirty faces, two many milk spills and a messy house to clean.

On the fourth day of Christmas, my little’s gave to me,

Four temper tantrums, three dirty faces, two many milk spills and a messy house to clean.


On the fifth day of Christmas, my little’s gave to me,

Five candy canes! Four temper tantrums, three dirty faces, two many milk spills and a messy house to clean.


On the sixth day of Christmas, my little’s gave to me

Six sticky hands, five candy canes. Four temper tantrums, three dirty faces, two many milk spills and a messy house to clean.


On the seventh day of Christmas, my little’s gave to me

Seven tattle tales, six sticky hands, five candy canes. Four temper tantrums, three dirty faces, two many milk spills and a messy house to clean.


On the eighth day of Christmas, my little’s gave to me

Eight buckets of joy, seven tattle tales, six sticky hands, five candy canes. Four temper tantrums, three dirty faces, two many milk spills and a messy house to clean.


On the ninth day of Christmas, my little’s gave to me

Nine better choice chairs, eight buckets of joy, seven tattle tales, six sticky hands, five candy canes. Four temper tantrum, three dirty faces, two many milk spills and a messy house to clean.


On the tenth day of Christmas, my little’s gave to me

Ten times the love, nine better choice chairs, eight buckets of joy, seven tattle tales, six sticky  hands, five candy canes. Four temper tantrums, three dirty faces, two many milk spills and a messy house to clean.


On the eleventh day of Christmas, my little’s gave to me

Eleven loud giggles, ten times the love, nine better choice chairs, eight buckets of joy, seven tattle tales, six sticky hands, five candy canes. Four temper tantrums, three dirty faces, two many milk spills and a messy house to clean.


On the twelfth day of Christmas, my little’s gave to me

Twelve hugs & kisses, eleven loud giggles, ten times the love, nine better choice chairs, eight buckets of joy, seven tattle tales, six sticky hands, five candy canes. Four temper tantrums, three dirty faces, two many milk spills and a messy house to clean.


I hope that whatever you are doing in preparation or celebration of Christmas and even if you don’t celebrate it, that you and your loved ones are surrounded by much peace, hope, love and joy. If you find yourself lacking in noise or chaos, you are more than welcome to come share in mine.

Until next time, hugs & love, Lori







Anonymous said...

Love your lyrics, I think many Mom's could sing that song. Hope you have a restful weekend.

Brian Miller said...

smiles...after being snowed in for a couple days i can relate...enjoy your breather..and your fam this to my parents for christmas today...

Anonymous said...

That is the best version of the song I have ever sung! (Yes, I did just sing along...)

If I could, I would grant you a quiet candle-lit bubble bath with soothing music at the end of each day.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Great lyrics, Lori. A realistic blend of joys and irritations. God has entrusted you with the Littles for a time, knowing that you are what they need right now. It sounds as if you're doing a great job.

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year.

Natalie said...

You are a saint to handle a non -stop week. Really.I loved your song.
Have a good day at work, and soak up the peace.♥

My Aimless Infatuation said...

Well of course I sang along,I'm just a big old kid! Love your imagination! Maybe whoever watches the little's while you work could give you a day to yourself for a christmas still have time to throw a hint their way,just an idea.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I think you should publish that song! I hope your weather lightens up and you can get out....some fresh air will be good for you all.
Take care and remember to breathe. :)

Jeni said...

Thank you Lori, for the whole post and especially your version of that song! I can relate, fully. Except the two kiddos here generally leave the tree alone but otherwise, a lot of the same activity plus mucho fighting and bossing by the elder to the younger! I was just sitting here, reading blogs and brooding -feeling sorry for myself because I'm the only one here, dont know where daughter and grandson went as I nodded off in the recliner after supper.. I was alone all day so did get the cards addressed but I was also ticked off over being alone but no car since my son was using mine and if I'd known that the kids were not going to be here today with me, I'd have made arrangements to take my son to work so I could have used to car then to go places I still need to go and do things I still need to do. Things like that tend to tick me off and then I start to feel sorry for myself and well, that all leads up to sapping my little bit of energy out for nothing. But, I DID get the damned cards finished so something good to be said about that I suppose! Peace.

Sueann said...

I will start sharing in noise and chaos when we travel to our sons' house on Christmas Eve! The five grands will keep us both very busy! As we so look forward to it every year!
Loved your song. Esp the four temper tantrums!!! Yikes!!
Hope you get to have some time to yourself soon.?!

CiCi said...

Your version of Twelve Days Of Christmas is honest and I can relate to it. When my kids were small there was pressure in the month of December like no other time of the year. All the grandparents wanted us with them. That meant traveling with children and presents. Take care of yourself and give yourself a little time just for you a couple times a day. It was when my kids were young that I began breathing exercises. And taking a bath. And a hot cup of decaf green tea.

Debbie said...

Merry Christmas're the best!!

Buckeroomama said...

LOL, may I borrow your song, Lori? =) Sounds like something that would fit right over here, too!

Have a blessed Christmas!

Anonymous said...

I feel your cabin fever... we all need to get out when cooped up with kids! Love your lyrics - and will say only this: Only four tantrums - lucky you! ;-)

Enjoy the noise of the season!

Laura said...

Lori I love your revitalized and down to earth lyrics! And the phrase "better choice chair"...excellent!!!

Just Be Real said...

Lori, this was a delight to read. I needed a chuckle. Thank you for sharing dear one. Blessings

Unknown said...

This is so creative. I love, love, LOVE it. You always remind me to find the sunshine : ) and for that I am so grateful!

Suldog said...

Merry Christmas, Lori! The lyrics are a nice mix of happy and frustrated. True to life, in other words! :-)

Colleen said...

Aw Lori, your lyrics make me smile and feel your pain all at once!:) You are really a wonderful and creative writer!

It sure can drive you a bit crazy to be house bound with a bunch of wild children!

Anonymous said...

I love your version of Twelve Days!

I'm just visiting for the first time, but I can see that you really have your hands full. Best wishes for you and yours in the new year. :)